360 Testimonial from

Chris Busky, IDSA

Pushing Innovative Collaboration Forward

Chris Busky | CAE

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
Chris Busky, IDSA

Video Transcript

ID Week is the premier infectious disease conference in the world. We've experienced record attendance at ID Week five of the last six years. So when we decided to engage 360 Live Media, it was at a time where we had the absolute greatest latitude to make changes for the organization. And for this conference, what's unique about ID Week is that it is a partner meeting in that there are four organizations that provide leadership and guidance to the meeting. So when we engage 360 Live Media to work with us, the additional challenge was working with not one but four organizations. 360 Live Media helped us break sound barriers that were holding the meeting back. I highly recommend you engage 360 Live Media. We feel the best time for organizations to engage 360 Live Media is when they're meeting has the latitude to make changes.