The best idea is the one that gets


Our services

Our clients >
Strategic Planning & Research
  • Organizational
  • Event Transformation & Portfolio Analysis
  • Revenue Strategy
  • Product Development
  • Marketing
  • Member Engagement
  • Mobile App Strategy
  • Audience Persona Development
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Market Dynamics

Examples by industry:

Marketing & Public Relations
  • Asset Development
  • Copywriting
  • Video Production
  • Web Design
  • Membership Marketing
  • Event Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Thought Leadership
  • Media Relations
  • Influencer Engagement
  • Podcasts

Examples by industry:

Branding & Visual Identity
  • Organizational
  • Events
  • Theming
  • Products
  • Communications Campaigns
  • Continuing Education

Examples by industry:

Experience Design
  • In-person, Digital, and Hybrid
  • Blueprinting
  • Innovative Networking
  • Signature Moments
  • Show Floor Integration
  • Activation Strategies
  • Strategic Event Assessment®

Examples by industry:

Event Content Design
  • Structured Content Strategy
  • Unique Formats
  • Speaker & Talent Procurement
  • Call for Content Optimization
  • Speaker Coaching

Examples by industry:

Your Toughest Challenge

We are a full-service agency that is committed to creating impact for mission-driven organizations.

Let us know how we can help you solve a problem or maximize a new opportunity.

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360 Live Media is a strategy, marketing, and design agency that helps organizations maximize their impact and advance their mission.

Case studies

Want to spitball a few ideas and see how we may be able to help?

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