Gathering the best minds in transplantation

Holistic event strategy unites medical leaders at ATC 2024

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Celebrating 70 years of transplant innovation

The American Transplant Congress (ATC), the joint annual conference of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, looked to deliver a landmark event that would commemorate 70 years of life-saving transplant advancements.  

To gather the brightest minds in their field, ATC partnered with 360 Live Media to strategize, plan, and execute the entire event. Services included sponsor and exhibit sales, education and learning strategy, website design and development, event theming, attendee marketing strategy and execution, and on-site operations management.

As a result, ATC 2024 attracted a record-breaking 4,600+ transplant professionals. With stakeholders from 49 countries and 2,200+ abstract submissions highlighting the latest innovations in transplant medicine, the event was a true testament to the association’s commitment to a global exchange of knowledge and expertise.

As Seen On:

NBC News: Adding stem cells to a kidney transplant could get patients off anti-rejection drugs, trial finds

Chicago Tribune: Error in new lung transplant algorithm harmed sick and dying patients

The Boston Globe: A gut check on reforms to organ transplant system

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