How you answer this speaks to the lens through which you see the future in 2021.
This post is a continuation of a series of insights to help decision-makers determine how to navigate, allocate resources, mitigate risks and exploit opportunities for 2021. I've focused specifically on rebuilding revenue and generating the necessary operating income from events, annual meetings, and trade shows.
By all accounts, 2021 will be a more challenging year than we have experienced over these past eight months.
The combined factors about which none of us need reminding, will lead to the continued inability for event audiences to gather on a large scale in 2021. It looks like it could be a year of crisis even greater than we’ve experienced in 2020.
When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity. John F. Kennedy is most widely known for having popularized this insight in the early 1960s.
Without a vaccine distributed to the majority of the population and an effective treatment plan for COVID-19, our country won’t be fully stable until 2022 at the earliest. Like you, I hope we get there faster, but that seems unlikely as I write this.
So, 2021: danger or opportunity?
Let’s look at three specific areas that will impact your 2021 event and decide where the danger and opportunity lie.
First, here are a few of the dangers that a crisis in 2021 will present.
Three of the opportunities presented by a more substantial crisis in 2021 are:
Danger or opportunity? As always, a crisis is a period of uncertainty, confusion, and risk. Fortunately, there are leaders like you who step into the void, weigh the evidence, make the decision, and lead your organization forward. Making the decision and investing accordingly in an incredibly successful virtual trade show is the lowest-risk option and the greatest opportunity.
Don Neal
Founder & CEO
360 Live Media